Beaver Creek Parking & Resort Transportation Guide

Getting Here & Parking

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Beaver Creek Resort

Driving Tips

Beaver Creek is located in the central Rocky Mountains of Colorado 30 minutes east of Eagle County Airport, two hours west of Denver International Airport and just minutes off of I-70.

From Denver International Airport (DEN), Denver or Anywhere to the East:

  • Take Pena Boulevard from DIA to I-70 west.
  • Proceed for approximately 120 miles (estimated time 2 hours 15 minutes) to exit 167 for Avon.
  • Enter the roundabout and continue left. Head south, going back under I-70.
  • Continue straight through four more roundabouts, after which you will see the entrance to Beaver Creek.
  • Proceed to the welcome gate.

From Eagle County Airport (EGE) and Anywhere to the West:

  • Take Cooley Mesa Road (the main airport road) to Highway 6. Take a right on Highway 6. Head east.
  • Follow Highway 6 to signs for I-70 east.
  • Proceed on I-70 for approximately 20-25 minutes, to exit 167 for Avon.
  • At the bottom of the exit, take a right around the roundabout. Head south.
  • Continue straight through three more roundabouts, after which you will see the entrance to Beaver Creek.
  • Proceed to the welcome gate

Tips for I-70 Mountain Travel

  • Avoid peak travel times if possible. If you are heading eastbound on Saturday or Sunday, plan to leave the mountains after 7 p.m. to stay out of traffic. To be safe, check the weekend and holiday Travel Forecast.
  • Winter Driving Preparedness 



Winter Weekend Traffic Patterns


  • Friday: light to moderate traffic is likely from about 4-9 p.m.
  • Saturday: traffic can be expected from about 6:30-11 a.m. with peak traffic occurring around 8 a.m.
  • Sunday: Sunday morning traffic is consistently lighter than Saturday morning, and sometimes non-existent. To play it safe, avoid around 7 a.m.


  • Saturday: traffic typically builds around 2 p.m., peaks around 4-5 p.m. and drops dramatically after 7 p.m. Expect congestion on Saturdays.
  • Sunday: I-70 starts to fill up earlier than it does on Saturday, as early as 1 p.m. Traffic peaks around 4-5 p.m. and drops dramatically after 7 p.m. Expect heavy traffic on Sundays.

*Please note: this travel forecast is based on historical traffic data. Weather, road conditions and accidents are impossible to predict and can have significant impacts on I-70 travel.

Holiday Weekends: When a national holiday falls on a Monday, you can count on Monday afternoon eastbound traffic to mimic a typical Sunday pattern, but with potentially more volume.

Metering: Traffic metering goes into effect during very high volume times and can occur at multiple I-70 on-ramps and/or the Eisenhower Tunnel traveling eastbound. Metering controls the


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